Children & Youth with Diverse Needs

Keith coordinates the programs for Children and Youth with Diverse Needs. Services are available for children and youth from birth to the age of 19 years. Eligibility for the programs are based on the criteria set by the Ministry of Child and Family Development.

Existing Clients

Click the button below for the current Life Skills schedule:

Respite Program

The Respite Program provides a break for families who are caring for children and youth with diverse needs. Our centre uses a respite home so children will enjoy a home-like setting, whether they’re from in-town or out-of-town. At times, other children may also be on-site.

Life Skills Program

The Life Skills Program provides life skills programming for children and youth with diverse needs. The goals is to learn new skills and enjoy the community facilities and events in the South Peace. The program is typically in a group setting and the children and youth take part in a variety of activities such as swimming, art, yoga, dance, Dungeons & Dragons Club, outside fun, and gym activities. The program is held off-site and most of the activities are afternoon to early evening. The program also has linked the Special Olympics and a supported work program through the Dawson Creek Mirror newspaper.

Summer Camps

A summer recreational program in July and August providing a fun-filled summer for children with diverse needs. The activities are designed to meet the needs of the individual child with the focus on fun and community engagement.

Location of Lifeskills and Summer Camp Clubhouses

We operate this program at 904 – 103 Avenue in Dawson Creek.

The home is owned by South Peace Community Resource Society and we are grateful for the partnerships to operate our program.